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Upcycling workshop 2020

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Ananas Kokosmilch Stiel-Eis | Pineapple coconut milk popsicle

Ich habe diesen Sommer mein eigenes Eis gemacht. Als eine Herausforderung an mich selbst in diesem Sommer, Dinge zu machen, die ich nie selbst gemacht habe. | I made my own ice cream this summer. As a challenge to myself this summer to make things that i never did in my self. Zutaten | Ingredients: Ananas | Pineapple Kokosmilch | Coconut milk Um die Form zu halten, benötigen Sie einen Eisstielbereiter | To hold the mold you need a Popsicle mold Ich habe die Stiel-Eisbereiter - mit Standhilfe - 6-tlg. Set, ca. 10 x 10 x 13 cm | I have the Popsicle mold - with stand help - 6-piece set, approx. 10 x 10 x 13 cm Geben Sie die Ananasstücke in den Saftmixer | Add the pineapple pieces to the juice mixer Die Kokosmilch in den Saftmixer geben | Add the coconut milk to the juice mixer Nach Zugabe der beiden Zutaten in den Saftmixer   | After adding the two ingredients into the juice mixer  Schalten Sie den Saftmixer ein und mischen Sie ihn, bi...

Using old laptop HDD as on the go bootable USB-HDD

Upgrading old laptops from HDD to SSD will leave old HDD's lying on the shelves catching some dust. But if the old HDD's are used as bootable USB-HDD. It can make usage of two or more Operating systems feasible on any computer; which saves the disk space and also not messing up with the default disk present in the laptop. I had a couple of old HDD's. so I buyed a USB 3.0 to S-ATA HDD enclosure. Below image will show you the HDD inserted into a HDD enclosure. I experimented by flashing Ubuntu 18.04 to the HDD and used it as bootable USB-HDD. I used it in a hackthon to learn Docker, Terraform, Packer. It ran smoothly without any issues.

Intel Edison arduino MicroSD card 128 GB flashing from exFat to Fat32 format

I bought a 128GB microSD card from samsung, in order to extend my storage space in Intel Edison arduino.  But, there is a missing information about the microSD card support in the technical specifications in the official page Intel visit: So, I asked the Intel support.  They replied with the information about microSD card.  Intel Edison arduino supports SDHC (2GB to 32GB) and SDXC (32GB to 2TB) micro SD cards. But, it needs to be in FAT32 and not exFat Format. In order to format, I used the tool - ' HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool  2.2.3' to format exFa t file type of the microSD card to Fat32 format. You can download the tool from filehippo visit: After completing the format and mounting the microSD card to intel edison.   Finally, i was able to see the microSD card being detected in the terminal.  

XCode Opencv Console application project build settings

With the below settings, you should be able to configure your Xcode opencv console application project. Library Search Paths /usr/local/lib Header Search Paths /usr/local/include Other Linker Flags -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_core -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_ml -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_shape -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_superres -lopencv_ts -lopencv_video -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_videostab

Mobile students abroad infographic from india

Based on the  Global Flow of Tertiary-Level Students statistics from the unesco institute of statistics, and also on the readings of several papers about the mobility of students from india, the market value & potential of other countries value of investments inflow from india. A brief inographic.

Logitech Wireless Mouse M185 setpoint for every platform

Every consumer after purchasing Logitech Wireless Mouse M185 will be facing some lag, or battery drain in their mouse.  To solve it for better usage on various platforms install the setpoint software being provided by logitech Go to it and download according to your preferred platform.